Gospodarska trajnostnost

OBO združuje dolgoročno gospodarno ravnanje in proizvodnjo kakovostnih izdelkov z odgovorno in varčno obravnavo virov, s pravično trgovsko verigo in z varovanjem okolja v vseh razsežnostih. Pri tem stavimo na nenehno sledenje in spremljanje za dodatno optimizacijo naših postopkov ter prepoznavanje potencialnih prihrankov, članstvo v številnih društvih in interesnih združenjih, da lahko skupaj dosežemo spremembe.

Zavzemamo se za naslednje vrednote:

  • Kakovost
  • Inovativnost
  • Povezanost
  • Preglednost

Skupaj ustvarjamo trajnostno prihodnost


V podjetju OBO smo prepričani, da lahko prihodnost trajnostno oblikujemo le skupaj. Skupaj s svojimi zaposlenimi, svojimi strankami, svojimi mednarodnimi lokacijami in svojimi partnerji. Zato je OBO član v številnih zvezah in interesnih združenjih.


Naši projekti OBO – gospodarska trajnost

More information on the values of the OBO world


Quality, customer satisfaction and efficiency are some of the key factors through which OBO has stood out from the competition for over 110 years. The DIN EN SO 9001 standard specifies the minimum requirements, in order to fulfil customer requirements, as well as additional requirements for our product and service quality. OBO has been certified to ISO 9001 since 1995. Since that time, we have continually developed the quality of our processes, which we are able to prove in regular inspection audits.

Innovative force

At OBO, innovation is in the company's DNA – and in the name. In 1952, OBO engineers developed the first metal anchors that could be used in a wall without drilling. "Ohne BOhren" (without drilling) – this innovation gave us not just our brand name, but has shaped our company. The spirit of innovation can still be found today in each OBO product.


We are strongly connected – to each other, globally to our international OBO locations, as well as to our partners. In order to advance our sustainability goals and shape the future together, we are members of numerous associations and interest groups.


We strive for the greatest possible transparency across the entire OBO corporate group. To this end, all of the company’s objectives, processes and data are continuously measured, assessed and, if necessary, improved on.